Sunday, October 13, 2013

Its fall and running is great!

Hello everyone,

It's the weekend!  Yay!  I had a great week of running. Last Sunday Jalen and I ran 9 miles at the Santa Monica boardwalk.  It's always such a beautiful run.  The sunset was absolutely beautiful.  Our pace was 8:24 minute miles.  I'll be honest I wanted to stop at mile 3.  My lungs felt fine but my hip was really hurting and my legs always start cramping.  I think that has to do with not properly warming up.  After mile 4 I finally got a good stride and started feeling better.  It's always the first few miles that hurt the most for me. 

Monday is our stretch and gym day.  I lifted arms and did a few core workouts.  By a few I mean one. hehe.  The core is my worst enemy I think because it is the hardest to workout. 

Tuesday we ran a short 3 miles late at night.  I like running at night when Jalen and Rio get to come with me.  Let me tell you my little papillon can run. 

Wednesday I ran by myself at the beach again.  It was raining all day so the trails were a little muddy but still fine.  I wasn't properly dressed for a cold run but I ran anyway.  It's easy to just give up or make excuses especially when you're not comfortable or you forgot something that you absolutely can't run without.  I struggle with this all the time.  If I forget my running glasses, watch or shuffle I just wont run.  This is something I'm trying really hard to work on.  Sometimes we need to remember why we are really out here running.  It's not suppose to be about all the stuff but about being able to put one foot in front of the other and just run.   No distractions. 

I switched days off this week from Friday to Thursday.  Friday I picked up my boys and went for a 3 miler before dinner.  My stomach really hurt while I was running.  I'll confess I stuffed my face with 3 mints and chips minutes before.  This probably wasn't the best idea.  I paid the price by cutting my run short.  I was suppose to run 5.  Lesson learned. 

Saturday morning Jalen and I ran the Beverly Hills trail.  We ran 5 miles at 8:49 pace.  This is one of my favorite trails.  It is full of runners, people walking their dogs and beautiful trees.  The other nice part is its shady the entire way.  We also ran half of it through the neighborhood and past a pumpkin patch that we will be attending tomorrow.  :)

Mornings now are a little chilly which is great for runners.   I never use to be a morning person but now it is my favorite time of the day.  The time change is right around the corner so I'll be switching to morning runs during the week as well.  My body feels so much better when I can get a run in before work.  Especially because I'm usually sitting all day. 

This morning was my 11 mile long run.  I made sure to stretch and warm up for this run.  I only had a glass of water and half a banana before hand.  I had to stop at mile 3 to use the restroom.  This made me a little grumpy.  I think this is something all runners struggle with especially during a long runs.  When you got to go you just have to go.  Yuck.   My watch also gave me problems this morning.  It kept turning off.  Once we got to mile 4 the boys stopped and drove home.  I ran home.  The weather was perfect and I had a great stride.  One thing about long runs is you have lots of time to just think.  I try to get lost in my music and in the run but sometimes when you have a lot on your mind it is impossible. 

My diet this week was over all pretty good.  I snack so much during the day because if I don't I will be very bad at night.  I snack on lots of fruits, vegetables, almonds and string cheese at work.  My favorite juice right now is tart cherry juice.  I read about it in runners world magazine.  It is really good at reducing pain and inflammation from long runs. 

Well anywho my week of running was overall a success.  Jrose and I run our 2nd half marathon in exactly 2 weeks.  Although we won't be running the same race I know we will be right next to each other in spirit.  I'm anxious to see how we will both do running alone.  EKK!!!  Well until next week my friends.  Have a lovely day!

"I like running because it’s a challenge. If you run hard, there’s the pain – and you’ve got to work your way through the pain. You know, lately it seems all you hear is? Don’t overdo it’ and? Don’t push yourself.’ Well, I think that’s a lot of bull. If you push the human body, it will respond." ~ Bob Clarke, Philadelphia Flyers general manager, NHL Hall of Fame.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Well where do I begin... First I'd like to start by saying I am very exited to start this running blog. Running has become one of my main passions. It helps me in so many ways not only physically but mentally as well. I can say I've grown so much as a person since I've taken on
this amazing sport.

I ran track in high school. Running the 100 meter sprints as well as trying to attempt hurdles (this didn't work out too well lol). After high school I lost touch with it until one day about seven years later my best friend Elena asked me if I'd like to run a 5k with her. I was definitely exited. Before the race I trained maybe twice and let me tell you I paid the price. We ran our first 5k around academy in Albuquerque, NM which is known also as the beautiful land of enchantment. I look back still at this race and almost always laugh and smile at the memory. We were passed by almost everyone. Ladies in their 60s, dads pushing strollers, runners practically walking but we still managed to cross that finish line. Running that race for us wasn't about the time it took us to finish it was about the experience of finishing our first 5k together. We were so very happy and proud of our accomplishment. Our guys were there at the finish line cheering is on although we knew secretly they were telling each other "boy oh boy they are so very slow" Hehe!

After running this first 5k I knew then the passion was there. Little did I know how big this passion would get. I started training with Jrose for another 5k around academy. Jrose has become one of the best running partners anyone could ask for. She's not only a very strong woman she motivates me everyday and makes me want to push myself even harder. She finished the race a few minutes before my 29 minute time. I remember how I felt after finishing the race. My face was the color of a tomato and I felt like I was going to die! Like ouch! It's always nice to look back at these memories.

Jrose and I started training about 3 times a week. We mostly ran around academy. This trail doesn't seem like it would be that tough but don't let it fool you. I can't wait to be able to run there again some day. We also ran around neighborhoods and the beautiful Sandias. We helped each other stay on track and were there to push each other when one of us just wanted to give up. She is awesome!

My boyfriend jalen and I now live in Los Angeles and I get to experience new and beautiful places to run. It had always been a dream of mine to live by the beach and now I get to run by it at least 3 times a week. Sometimes I need to pinch myself. I'm so thankful to have jalen run with me out here. Especially on Sundays for our long runs. I'm seriously not sure how I do it without him. Talk about motivating he does not let me stop even for a second or cheat and stop a mile early. He's a spartan warrior I tell ya.

Well anywho Jrose and I ran our first half marathon here in Ventura, CA. Yup I said it, half marathon! That was seriously one of the best days of my life. An experience I'll never forget. We finished in 1:47 minutes. A time both of us never thought possible. Just goes to tell you your body is capable of anything you work hard for and set your mind to.

I'll be posing on this running blog weekly about my runs and workouts. Just wanted to post a little history of where it all started and the people who have pushed me to become a better runner and person. I love you all! Until we meet again here is one of my favorite quotes,

"I run because it’s so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can’t. But then you find your inner strength, and realize you’re capable of so much more than you thought.
